Drama is an art form that explores the world through enactment and involves the creative interaction of individuals using a range of artistic skills.
Drama Years 8-10
Course Description
In Drama, students can communicate in complex & powerful ways how they perceive the world. They can investigate, shape and symbolically represent ideas, interests, concerns, feelings, attitudes, beliefs and their consequences.
What will students learn about?
The Drama course will draw on the contemporary drama and theatre practices of making, performing and appreciating drama.
While students develop knowledge, understanding and skills that pertain to each of these practices, it's vital to integrate experiences in these areas in order to achieve the course outcomes. In their appreciation of drama & theatre, students are aware of the collaborative contribution of actors, directors, playwrights, designers and technicians to productions.
What will students do?
Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills, individually and collaboratively, through:
- making drama that explores a range of imagined and created situations in a collaborative drama and theatre environment.
- performing devised and scripted drama using a variety of performance techniques, dramatic forms and theatrical conventions to engage an audience.
- appreciating the meaning and function of drama and theatre in reflecting the personal, social, cultural, aesthetic and political aspects of the human experience.
Senior Drama
The HSC course comprises:
- Australian Drama and Theatre (Core study)
- Studies in Drama and Theatre
Rationale for Drama in Stage 6 Curriculum
Drama is an art form that explores the world through enactment. It's a collaborative art form that involves the creative interaction of individuals using a range of artistic skills. Drama is an important means of understanding, constructing, appreciating and communicating social and cultural values; interpreting, valuing and transmitting the past and traditions; exploring, celebrating and challenging the present and imagining the future.
Drama can be employed as a technique for exploring personal & community issues and developing social skills. It caters for a broad range of students from varying social and cultural backgrounds. It allows for the exploration of attitudes and values of many groups in Australian society as students make, perform and critically study aspects of drama and theatre in Australian and other societies and cultures.